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Add New Treasurers Report

Modify or Delete a Treasurers Report

Add New Meeting Minutes

Modify or Delete Meeting Minutes

Add New Document

Modify or Delete Documents

Add New Board or Committee Member

Modify or Delete Board or Committee Member

Modify Marquee Banner

Display or Modify Mail List Lot Number

Search Mail List Lot Number

Extract Mail List Lot Number

Delete Items from Forum

Add New Vendor/Contact

Modify or Delete Vendor/Contact List

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Administration Instructions:


         I.            Add New Treasurers Report, Modify or Delete a Treasurers Report, Add New Meeting Minutes, Modify or Delete Meeting Minutes, Add New Document, Modify or Delete Documents

a.       All of these function the same:

b.       Adding requires Date, Tie Breaker, Name as displayed and an Upload function.

c.       Date is the sort sequence. It does not have to be a date but must be 8 digits. This highest number will be on top.

d.       Tie Breaker is only required if you have two or more on the same date. Default is 1.

e.       Name is any text and common special characters like comma or quote. Other special characters will be errored or excluded.

f.        Upload function; "Browse" will look at your PC files for a file to upload. It should be in either Word or PDF format. Select than "Submit".

g.       Modify or Delete: Select appropriate Icon to maintain that item. You can only modify Name (or sub-text).

h.       "Documents" differs as it has an optional Sub-Text entry. Same rules as Name.


       II.            Add New Board or Committee Member and Modify or Delete Board or Committee Member function similar to above.

a.       Sequence is the sort sequence similar to Date except ascending, 01 is at the top.

b.       Sequence, Name and Position are required.

c.       Phone and e-mail must be valid formats if used.

d.       You have the option to retrieve phone and/or e-mail from the Master List by entering "L" plus the lot number in place of a phone or e-mail; i.e. "L145".  It can be one or the other or both. If both, they must match.  It will be checked for valid Lot number and if the Phone or E-mail exists for that Lot. When viewing Directory from the main menu, the values will be inserted.  

e.       All fields except Sequence may be modified.


     III.            Modify Marquee Banner modifies the text seen in the header. Only 80-character restriction.


    IV.            Display or Modify Mail List Lot Number allows you to view and maintain the Master List.

a.       You are presented with the cropped list like in Directory from the main menu. You may select view or modify with the appropriate icon.

b.       View and modify show the same detail data. In View, nothing may be changed.

c.       In modify, Property Information: may not be changed. All other fields may be modified with appropriate edits and format restrictions.


      V.            Search Mail List Lot Number will help you prepare a SQL Select statement to retrieve specific information from the Lot List Master.

a.       There are four items that must be filled:

                                                               i.      SELECT: Pick the fields, or All fields you want returned. Lot is selected by default.

                                                             ii.      WHERE: Select a field you wish to search on. One only.

                                                           iii.      IS: Equal, Greater and Less than are self-explanatory. LIKE is a wild card search. The wild card character is % (percent sign). Use the % in front and/or in back of your search text in the TO box. i.e. to search for a street, use %Solee% for everything on Solee. To search for all people with the first name of Fred, use Fred%.

                                                           iv.      TO: Is the value you wish to search on like Solee or Fred in the example above. Equal must be exact. Like only the non-wild card characters must be exact.

b.       When submitted, if any were selected, the list will be presented in a form similar to Display or Modify Mail List Lot Number. You may select view or modify with the appropriate icon.


    VI.            Extract Mail List Lot Number will allow you to extract data from the list to an Xcel spreadsheet for mail merge, printing or whatever you want to do. 

a.       Select the fields you wish to extract. Submit.

b.       You will be prompted to save or open an Excel Spreadsheet containing the data you requested.

c.       Wait a moment and the operation will be complete. Note that column widths are not extracted.


   VII.            Delete Items from Forum will allow you to delete entries one at a time by selecting the trash can.


 VIII.            Add New Vendor/Contact or Modify or Delete Vendor/Contact List to maintain a list of all Businesses and People that provide products and services to the HBEHOA. These function similar to the Mail List Lot Number functions.

a.       Adding requires a Vendor/Contact under Vendor Information.

b.       Vendor/Contact is the sort sequence, ascending.

c.       All fields may be modified except Vendor/Contact. Item must be deleted and added to change Vendor/Contact.

d.       All field edits are the same as in the Mail List Lot Number functions.

e.       Modify or Delete: Select appropriate Icon to maintain that item.


     IX.            Go back home: Return to primary menu.