Hammock Beach Estates is a private community located on Highway
A1A just south of St. Augustine and north of Daytona Beach in beautiful Flagler
County, Florida. All Hammock Beach Estates' home sites are within 600 yards of the
There are approximately 150 properties that are part of the
Hammock Beach Estates Homeowners Association. Some of our members are lot owners
or part-time residents. The purpose of this site is to provide open access to all
information about our neighborhood and the association to local and remote members
via the internet. It does not preclude all other forms of communication.
It will provide access to all Rules and Regulations of the
Association for old and new members. Most of us have copies of the Articles of Incorporation,
By-Laws, and Covenants and Restrictions, but we may be confused as to the current
amendments in place.
It will also provide meeting minutes, treasurers reports and
act as a repository for documents that we are required by law to be retained for
a specified period of time.
Please understand that it is OUR website. Your input is welcome.